Hello, and welcome. This site is an incomplete archive of creative activity and a personal tool for tracking ongoing questions and explorations.
Short Bio
Killeen Hanson works, writes, and teaches about radical listening, material culture, and the relationship between education, publication, and civic engagement.
Longer Bio
Killeen Hanson is a designer, educator, and researcher based in Brooklyn, NY. Killeen Hanson is the founder and editor of the Sobremesa Reading Club, a publication and discussion series organized around an evolving library of individually bound primary sources from voices, viewpoints, and geographies iconic and overlooked.
She currently teaches design research within the School of Design Strategies at Parsons The New School for Design in New York City, and consults as a thought partner and design strategist with individuals and organizations pushing the boundaries of what is and what can be.
Her ongoing research projects and collaborations explore the power of radical listening, the potential of objects as verbs, and the relationship between education, publication, and civic engagement.
She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University with degrees in English Literature and French Language and earned a dual MFA in Applied Craft + Design from Pacific Northwest College of Art and Oregon College of Art and Craft.

↑ Photo by Kaye Evans-Lutterodt.
About This Site
This site was designed by Jarrett Fuller, who generously made both the code and the visual design available to others to adapt, remix, reuse, and update. (Thanks, Jarrett!) The site uses Jekyll, an open-source, static-site generator, and is hosted on Github. It’s set in Karla and Tinos and served up via Google Fonts. If you (like me) choose to model your site off of Jarrett's original code, please include a credit and link back to Jarrett.

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